quinta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2013








Little by little

Glad this love that holds the chest
Amid so many lights that pass.
Honey, let me then say,
Do as we live, we love...
Have no more fear that prevented
The steps you need to know.
And come on, come together for the day
And requires that insists dawn.
I see that your soul cowers
I understand your moments without courage,
The night will still take long
We can start our trip.
I know these bonds, do not complain,
Gradually saying I love you!




Sigh when you pass through the streets
In many wonders me get drunk,
I realize that at floors you float,
An angel took my entire creed.
It is beautiful so soft your flesh,
Your legs are acts of promise.
My soul, more trembling, all spies,
Loving this beauty confesses.
I see no more sense if I do not have
The sweet feeling much love,
The world of illusions, where I come from,
Sand or siren at sea...
Would not life be so lonely?
If this street ... This Street was mine!



Sigh when you pass through the streets
And I see in your eyes, my love.
In the verses that compose; you are always
In the naked dawn, splendor.
In all that I do not believe nor understand
Feeling your gentle steps, which perchance!
Divine ascend to the heights when
Meeting so many hints of tenderness.
Beloved, I am happy to you want to have,
And as more breathe soul
This air that had not been able to promise,
Is muse, am a poet, love is lyre.
Come into my arms that I will make,
The verses of passion I have sought!



Where was I was unaware
In the dark forgotten my chest
Now beginning to realize
Who both lived in vain dissatisfied?
On this day the most complex life
The years are passing meaningless.
Who always had hidden in farewell?
Intends to resurface the sad forgetfulness.
The mouth that kissed not kisses anymore,
The nails tear, scar...
Had thought that loving you too well,
Maybe I found myself happier...
Love when this promises to be,
In the distance, quietly presents itself...



In mild and gentle melodies
What verses in I devote, without fear...
Beloved explode as joys,
And how, finally, love reborn in full...
In fields as they wandered lonely
Living without knowing if I'm happy.
Rivers of this love, its estuary,
Ends at destination that wanted more.
In the arms of the Brunette so simple
Sleeping in this bed so quiet...
Life resumes after it,
Love is already exploding in beautiful flame.
And I call on your name at a time,
My beloved got in this instant, deserving...



Hearing many voices from the past
They have always been good counselors
Knowing that I have had your care,
Now what remains are dark circles
Of sleepless nights unsafe
In bed that rolled without anyone
Living in these my misadventures,
Love promises that never comes...
I get these ill with smiles,
What if I cannot forget you?
Only destroying havens
Fighting for trying to survive...
I see no other way out or...
I will finally surely more alone...



Love taking care that
It leaves more room for nostalgia
Living many days hurt
Now just looking for a friendship
That brings my love on soft wool,
Knowing divine feeling
Love when friendship spills,
Bravely resists any wind...
So my friend do not be afraid,
If all you do is for your song
Love when in love, love is sup,
In turn multifaceted charm.
How long you've been looking for,
Friend that really, I love...



Do not know how much I want you,
I hope not know if you want me.
But know that you do not want to forget
Even if I miss you ever want.
I love you well know happier
I do not like that you feel what I feel.
Living your love which penitent
The pain never lies and always bring.
You are all a secure future
Saved in the promises of the past.
Flash does not allow dark sky,
Living in love all this time ...
Love that never told me if you want,
Saved on this night, if it comes ...



Diving my past in this river
What I have sailed many times,
In the most painful nights, so cold,
I hope my love from next here...
Sleep when you arrive and do not see
Soon the nightmare boss.
Love when you do not see
Gradually becoming an outrage.
In this sun rays shining in other waters
Rivers and waterfalls, crystal;
My eyes were watering, full hurts
Overflow in the river at the end.
Beloved does not allow this to happen,
I cannot swim, you want that then die?



So much love that one day, I dreamed of having,
The rest of what's left of hope,
In the eyes of love who can see,
Everything was just a dream...
The wind, blowing in the window,
Remembering our nights so serene,
Simply saying that it was
A life spent in beautiful scenes...
Do not know if hearken to my voice
That enters the nights so clouded,
The rain that fell, so atrocious,
Reminds our hour’s beloved...
Love to be happier,
If you bring life like I wanted...



Torment secular that terrifies me
Pride comes invade our love.
Who lives life without much delay?
Not sure of nostalgia or bitterness...
Loving who does not love condemning
The take their lives, suffering,
After so much love, the harsh punishment
Serving of nourishment and torment...
I do not see love as delicacy
Nor do I imagine my gift.
Loving who had loved in agony,
Gradually much pain already senses...
Love not comply even the good sense
All I know is without love starves...



In that sense both awake
Hardly knows how much I want your love.
The times we live in, so alerts.
In so many challenges, your warmth...
Love making laws that baffle
In many uncertainties now rests.
At pains not quickly fix
Soothe yourself in love, holy sling...
Bringing the premises so lucky
Those laws created love plot reasons
That form of the night’s brightness strong
Reasons plotting hearts always.
Love does not care if we suffer
Reasons that really know love...



Who lives unhappy in such grief?
Do not even know happiness...
The wind will blow in my face,
Promise terrible storm...
The glory of dreaming that I do not know,
Invade thought, a sudden...
Because I know that I do not deserve to be happy,
Would happier if I lived...
The prayers that make me, my friend,
Certainly worth much who help...
In the curves that life is in danger
By far one hope still beckons me...
I know that thou wilt only my right,
How good knows there is someone...



Of these rays eyes, a poet,
Living the pitfalls of this love,
Injured by lightning, beautiful arrow,
Now knowing the splendor.
Seduce with your eyes, my friend,
In verses I dedicate my enchantment,
Life without love is already in danger,
So I found myself under your mantle...
Gentle, your hands caressing
God this sacred divine gift,
Caress has me addicted too
Love that always shows, immersive...
Beloved please my feeling,
No more will itself contentment...



Wounded by the arrows of this love,
Never let you have a hope
Living without remorse, so ardently,
Luck hiding in memory.
Always resist the pain, poor partner,
While my destination more nefarious,
Knowing that I will bring a lifetime,
The eyes and your arms, always loving...
Sorry these my verses daring,
Not fit more words to say.
Loves it were unsuccessful,
Returns and all being mistreated.
But I have a sure guide
Too much love, however, is fantasy...



Shambling walker disguising
The steps without stumbling feel.
Love living immersed, delirious,
Living for the extreme to fall...
Traffic my desires in these steps
Although often no gain.
In many pleasures and failures,
Love sometimes blind, other strange...
In anger and in lire of poets,
Love is always like the sun.
Love is rolling over in straight lines,
Losing the light, blinding my lighthouse...
Love does not know how to use disguise
It's give and take another face...



Love that transforms into power
Force and majesty, old wine...
Overflows really and fantasy
Premises of not being alone too much...
Love without conventions and without bluster,
In flowers and diverse longer scenarios,
Receives storms, dense forests,
Reborn in the cadence of my verses.
True lived summers, vague voices
Overcoming these strands faltering.
In the waves of love, such executioners
Dying in the tenderness of lovers...
Love you both do not want to check out,
Wherever life will be there...



Delicious warmth that awakens
It leaves more sleep.
Love always a sentinel alert
Although the distance, I will hear you...
Words that we let go, more dispersed,
Do not fit in my verses tedious,
Much of which we expect in conversations
Now what do I do with my dreams?
Played on the bed, senseless,
Do not let my eyes more closed
Losing myself in the arms of this forgetfulness,
The dreams became hard fates...
Beloved does not allow this to happen,
Love so gentle: succor me!



Seeing the hope of landing
In this road-heart
I remember the old days of child
Playing well in front of my gate.
Overcoming these fears, perceived,
That time never stops or retroactive
The life goes on day to day ...
And everything is changing, love and costume.
Now that you encounter, think no more,
It seems that this time never passed,
From all that I want more, more intense,
Love so divine, dominated ...
No longer want the sadness that devours
Not terrible loneliness which I panic ...



Love when those who want mastered
Who would not want one more kiss.
Everything in this life is always
Wrapped in tenderness without shame ...
Nothing else matters sadness
Stored in my chest. How schism!
Love when involved in beauty
So many earthquakes cataclysm.
Do not let this fear dominate us,
Not make our case come to an end.
What we love so much love approach
Save the best that is in me.
Knowing both the explosion of love,
Give me that beautiful glow in your eyes!



Rolling by the waves, old seas,
Armed delirious and desires
Mermaids and serpents on moonlight,
Give them to love, profane kisses...
Neptune in desperation, jealous,
Wait mermaid one will care.
After so many years of engagement,
God knew the pain of being alone...
The Snake moonlit fears nothing
Mermaid found in a nice pair,
The sea in a tsunami, waves tremble,
Explodes into a thousand orgasms, the moonlight
Who watches quietly the outcome?
Of the tails anxious, in interlace...



Do not be afraid this bad luck neither chimeras.
In the vessels break in sweats,
The happiest hours, springs,
Will come much better than other times...
In broad marvels to come,
The hatreds and the fears fall asleep,
Liberate your heart with tenderness,
That the Muses always modest weave...
Do not fear that truth which is hidden
In this dream frames more painful
Silence Delicate already listens
Encased in a nurturing brighter...
And remember, after all, my dear,
That a certain someone you have loved in my life...



Dreaming may be your knight
Dressed in a blanket of nostalgia,
Mounted on a racehorse adventurous
Fighting for love and liberty
In swords, the swords, so much struggle,
I bring my desires delirious
Panther upset, but shrewd,
Waits just these rages
What makes this dream so divine?
Redemption of illusions dormant
Living a great love so crystalline
What is worth millions, billions of lives...?
Castles and achievements, royalty,
Loving this panther, a princess...



A tyrant and lonely heart
Sometimes as austere and distracted,
You are lost in a Calvary
And dies for not being bolder...
Love needs changes
Although much time in mismatch,
The nights that promise so many dances
Concert and need repair.
Love that hiding in decency,
Expects that affection most audacious,
Sometimes this dream finally comes,
Love in a thousand pleasures, meets...
Therefore, my beloved, the solution
Deliver this tyrant heart!



Wake up my dear, the sun rose,
And brought in its rays of hope.
The world thought that was your
Renew with new vigor in time.
I do not want to suffer needlessly
The pains of who knows what has
Love that had become so urgent,
In the background did not want anyone else!
The rays of the sun this morning
Bringing so much light on my days.
Promises of a new desire to live,
In lives that need harmonies ...
Maybe if you still want see
This marvelous morning.



Nascer após a morte do meu sonho
E não trazer sequer algum resquício
Daquilo que pensara o precipício,
E agora vejo ser menos medonho,

E a cada amanhecer me recomponho,
E faço do final, o meu princípio,
Se goste ou se não goste deste ofício,
O mundo que desejo é mais risonho.

Tampouco mergulhar em águas turvas
Das mágoas, simplesmente leves curvas,
A estrada do viver está repleta,

Porém meu coração anda apressado,
Por mais que nesta vida tenha errado,
Que importa? Eu na verdade sou poeta.



Assisto à derrocada deste verme
Um habitante horrendo e sem valia
Espúria criatura, agora inerme,
Na esplêndida e fatídica agonia.

Errônea e fatal disparidade,
Gerando o mais estúpido animal
Retendo em suas mãos a deidade
Espalha mortandade sem igual

Caóticos insetos destrutivos,
Ao ventre que os pariu, a maldição.
Soberbos imbecis, tolos altivos,
Da natureza tosca aberração.

O que virá depois do Apocalipse
A morta humanidade em tosco eclipse...

Marcos Loures


O homem quando criou os seus demônios
Contendo eticamente os seus desmandos,
Além de controlar tantos hormônios,
No ataque feito em grupos, tribos, bandos,

Delimitou seus passos sobre a Terra,
E o Deus que é vingativo, se fez morto,
Verdade é que no Amor, meu Deus se encerra,
Gerando na amizade, o cais e o porto...

O mal sendo inerente é controlável
Somente pelas garras do terror,
O Pai que com certeza é tão amável,
Por ser de todo mundo o Criador,

Deixou a todos nós como lição,
O Amor na plenitude do perdão...

Marcos Loures


The man when he created your demons
Containing their ethically abuses,
Besides controlling so many hormones,
In the attack made in groups, tribes, bands,
Delimited their steps upon the earth,
And the God who is vengeful, became dead
Fact is that in the love, my God concludes,
Generating in friendship the pier and the harbor ...
Evil is inherent can be controlled
Only by the claws of terror,
The Father, who of course is so lovely,
For being the Creator of everyone,
He left to all of us a lesson,
The Love in the fullness of the forgiveness ...

Marcos Loures



Desde infância, aprendi que a liberdade,
Ainda que tardia é bem supremo,
Com ela conhecemos claridade,
Direcionando a vida, leme e remo...

Porém sua conquista é tão sangrenta,
Por sobre mil cadáveres, a flor,
Que incrível paradoxo, me apascenta
Com seu forte poder libertador.

A morte é um adubo necessário,
Imprescindível mesmo a podridão,
Nas sendas do guerreiro e do corsário
A liberdade implanta cada grão

Gerando o mais fantásticos dos dons,
Nascida nesta rosa em megatons...

Marcos Loures


Excêntrico e disforme parasita,
Surgindo nos esgotos mal cheirosos,
Humores simplesmente biliosos,
Uma alma em pleno caos, inda palpita.

Um vírus que em cadáveres habita
Nos mórbidos demônios caprichosos,
Argutos passageiros belicosos
A podridão humana se exercita

Pairando sobre todos; a figura
Asquerosa e sarcástica: Satã
Fazendo da esperança, a força vã.

Gargalha com fatídica amargura
Erguendo dos escombros o futuro,
Previsto em Evangelhos, torpe e escuro...



Eccentric and deformed parasite,
Emerging in smelly drains,
Just bilious humors,
A soul in full chaos, still palpitating.
A virus that lives on cadavers
In the morbid capricious devils,
Astute belligerent passenger
The rot human as well is known
Hovering over all, the figure
Nasty and sarcastic: Satan
Making of hope, strength in vain.
Laughs with ominous bitterly
Rising from the rubble the future,
Predicted in Gospel, vile and dark...

Marcos Loures


In the war of the devil against God,
The guns of the devil are stronger,
Christians are in fact atheists
Without direction unknown their routes
Of the various temptations, large inputs,
Playing both believers and Hebrews
Medals; collects in such sports,
Christ is delivered into the hands of the Pharisees...
Fought the demon is invincible
The force of the devil always unbelievable
Only three or four still resisting.
And the poor lopsided God, alone,
Knowing your opponent so well,
Applaud those few crazies who still insisting...


O verso que pudesse me trazer
Apenas calmaria e nada mais,
Os dias entre tantos, desiguais,
A vida se escorrendo ao bel prazer,

O tempo é um detalhe e posso ver
Os olhos entre fúrias anormais
Ousando acreditar nos mais boçais
Cenários do diverso e vão querer.

Ocasos entre acasos e fagulhas
Aonde no final teimas, mergulhas,
Presumo o que viria e não tivera,

No velho sortilégio que nos doma,
A vida sonegando qualquer soma
Transcorre no fastio da quimera...

Enquadro o meu caminho aonde um dia
O tempo mais atroz não mergulhasse
Nas ânsias mais sofríveis, num impasse,
Matando o quanto resta ou mais teria,

O verso se moldando em tez sombria
O luto pouco a pouco desenhasse
A farsa mais sutil que nos tramasse
A sorte sem sentido, mesmo fria.

Audaciosamente acreditara
Na vida sem sentir a sorte rara
De quem se imaginara vencedor,

Ocasionando a queda sem defesas
Seguindo emaranhados e incertezas,
Progrido sem sentido em tal pavor.

Não mais que outro momento, nada além
Do vento sem saber do que viria,
O mundo que deveras se escondia
Eclode no que tanto teimo e vem,

Ocasionando a queda sem que alguém
Pudesse desfrutar a fantasia
De ver o quanto tenta ou mais queria,
Perdendo a cada passo o que não tem,

Alheio aos desencantos contumazes
Bebendo os dissabores que me trazes
Escuto a repentina e espúria voz

Do canto em discordância em mero ocaso
E quando neste intento me defaso,
Cultivo dentro da alma o próprio algoz.

Já não mais se percebe qualquer fato
Que possa transformar a dimensão
Dos dias que decerto me trarão
O todo quando muito não constato,

O preço a se cobrar dita o retrato
Ousando imaginar na imensidão
Do verso mais audaz, nova estação,
E o peso de uma vida em desacato.

Oprime-se o que possa uma esperança
E vago sem descanso em noite escusa,
O tanto que pudera se entrecruza

Enquanto o meu passado ao fim se lança
Vencido caminheiro do que há tanto
Pudesse ser bem mais que mero encanto.



Vultures eating this child
Exposed on the sidewalk, hungry and cold,
One threat to in vain crude braid
On the streets and lanes, a curb.
One soul numbing early on,
The victim carries a dagger
The rotting body, a semblance
When you say that social justice.
Authorities take Providence,
The hearse transporting this indigent,
Freeing early on consciousness
By shepherding so to all people
What return labor, toil,
To consciousness, in peace.



Por não seguir pastores ou Igrejas,
O amor que tenho a ti, não tem medidas,
As almas sem paragens; vão andejas,
No fundo sem ter rumo, estão perdidas.

Servidas num banquete em tais bandejas,
Histórias tantas vezes destruídas,
Batalhas infiéis, duras pelejas.
Palavras de Jesus são esquecidas...

Já não suporto ouvir tolices tantas,
Num turbilhão fantástico estas santas
Usadas friamente para vendas...

Milagres a granel, podres figuras,
Que enganam idiotas com tais curas,
Fazendo de uma crença torpes vendas...



Hordas de Satã

Sentindo-me deveras no vapor
Aonde se esfumaça a liberdade,
Vencendo com furor a tempestade,
Gozando deste imenso dissabor,

O preço que se paga pelo amor,
Enquanto o tempo tudo em vão degrade,
Rompendo dos pudores qualquer grade,
Não vejo mais a cena a se compor,

Fagulhas incendeiam os infernos
E deles novamente ricos ternos,
E tantas maravilhas prometidas,

Infaustos nesta vida? Nunca mais,
Auríferos caminhos magistrais,
Nas hordas de Satã enternecidas...



Even when you can be happy
Daring to believe in infinite
Scenario and show that need
Living how and always wanted to try,
The pain is already cutting the root,
Landing in your arms, sweet rite
Leaving the past being afflicted
Dreams not only an apprentice.
And I'm feeling this explosion,
And as much as I can and try
Without fear and without leaving even litigation,
The eyes on the horizon, the future
From the time he spent not grieve me
I see no marks or traces even ...



Speaking of nostalgia for anyone who tries
Feel the gentle wind in your face,
The world is designed in such disgust
Generating only that which torments
The fight often bloodier
The cut leaves the heart exposed
And fear is announced superimposed
By how much I tried not encourages,
In the exposition of dreams, roughly,
Landing in the past still try
Winning the disaffected who still feel
Volcano erupts in fury when
While it took the placidity
And even now judged the nearly extinct ...



I do not see just how rude
Image of a past no avail
And when that truth finally accepted
The whole end always transmute,
And how many times I try on youth
Living as I could and I delight
Daring to imagine that this bed
The goddess is naked prays often,
The scheduling order and nothing came up,
Only in the same tone alien face
And the goddess waved goodbye and not returned,
Just a reminder, this longing,
That all the time round, rings and invades
At the same time heals, but generates a bedsore ...



If "samba is not learned in college,"
Also be happy never teaches
And as much as we can and dominates
It's like a redemption privilege
And so it proves in step regal
Or in another sense hallucinates,
Love when too much fascinates
E generates much laughter or sorcery.
Featuring sometimes pain or laughter,
Generating pandemonium in Paradise
Do not let it live more in peace
How much is drawn in subtle tone,
As much as one wants to be seen and beyond
Expresses that mistreats or meets.



My time is allowed to be smooth
Wanting to just be at peace
And how much had been so bold
Surely nothing worse in another space,
And I know my life like a bird
Which brings libertarian or even search?
Leaving the pain behind
Would not life be a mere obstacle,
The wind taking me beyond
The dream that always comes indeed
Welcomes every moment to the full,
And even when life comes down
As much as he could in this scent
The dream eludes both sweetens as ...



The death is announced at every step
And try to feel how greed
Life being rude and quicksand.
The look is atrocious and shows the same scarce
How this was once lecher
While this expression indeed, shine
Only if this assumes carrion
That life sometimes rude farming in space.
The naked body is helpless in vain
And his approach so many worms,
In putrid expression that now sits
And the fetid madness spreading
In a truly lurid air and nefarious
On the most atrocious and virulent ...



The time was lost in a void
And the deepest cut do not allow
That much you see now believe
In as you can and even propitious,
The beast is presented in full rut,
And nothing comes down or delimit
Only your limit at infinity,
And in this the most complete madness,
Increases my desire made in anger
And when designing such negligence
The claws penetrating my skin,
What was already cannibal devours me,
And both presumed without hours,
Once satisfied, repels me ...



For many days when night comes
And know who both want to embarrass
Dare to face the same ultimate
And if it drew fierce voice,
My song surely does not contain
The fight that whole show and already
In plots of this sort that slight
Only at the end does not suits me,
Even believe in illusions
And I know that the uncertainty that exposes me
Only if traced the same mistake,
Following the life so
Nothing shows up and turns
While in the end, I always hurt ...



Where is made bolder
The singing so soft Hope
Even when the dream goes in vain
The lot at the end really brings
Leaving behind a joy forever
Both the search and that really throws
And with rare strength in his hands
The time now is drawn tenacious.
Repair the many mistakes I make
And I try to translate into verse and dream
The weak expression that dominates me,
The verse is close to what I am
And just how much plot as I am
Immersed in the illusion clumsy and cunning ...



Do not want you to do some dream
Just one and no more detail
The time is announced in gales
And how could I propose in vain,
The whole nonsense when put
In the wilds of my world and you betray me
Meeting at the end, rude signs,
Of wilderness that surely now compose.
I envision another scenario after the curve
Although many times lonely
Yearning for peace and nothing else.
How much could and comes down
Tracing dark night in the rare fire
Where translates what has soul.



I wish to understand this version
That shapes the daily lives of the dreamer,
Even when life more cheerful
Overcomes this aversion meekly.
And may even when the dream is vain
Draw what you try, when invades
When a soul has finally ashamed
As desired in the solitude.
The cloak that covers every face,
Do not let the fact the entire exposed
But when the truth is revealed
How seem more sublime,
At the bottom end if one expresses
Demonstrates my face more hideous ...


Severe struggle

Using the word when I can
Trying to believe in a new world
Expressed the feeling that overwhelms me
Although it is only a mere wreck,
How could I still try and,
Invades the deeper sense,
And even being an outcast, a vagabond,
The dream with words sometimes endorsement
And drink sips of hope in weary
And when the water actually soft
Shred any stone may come,
The whole that might redeem
Who seeks some space in the future,
In the fight that proves sometimes fierce ...



The song was one day where spanning
The verse could have well
As of now actually contains
The mantle that really wanted more,
The term showed up in joy
Or even when the whole without disdain
Predicting this one plot presence
What can unravel this utopia,
My step in another direction in an instant
Although it certainly does not guarantee
Even this holy or profane expression,
And even when you will not amaze me
And try to see some detail,
Although this verse cut me.



Night and day

The moon on the body spreading
The sylph naked at a time
Breaks out of the dream and when I try
My world now handing in your body,
What was once well as milder
Now another space and feeling
Explode and denies nothing daring torment
Gradually taking on unlimited.
And tired, I fall asleep after that.
Thinking now for fresh start
Much of what is done and not quench,
In this diverse path in light and glare
I walk without limits each rail,
After the immense night, the intense day ...



I realize this unique beauty
What finally paraded naked or transparent
And when such is present
The most perfect goddess, sensual,
The delicate body, a ritual,
What causes me so much as nourish,
On the back claws, this demented,
Madness without limits. Animal.
The beast becomes at this moment,
And how much madness is guaranteed
As I perceive another face,
Even if no connection attempt
Of dreams and delusions, reflection,
Every fantasy show...



Of the meadows to metropolis, love,
Expresses the whole and more than longs
The fight translates immense and full
What was some form of praise?
And stretch your body in this heat
That can transform the surrounding,
And even when luck follows others
My libertarian soul, this condor...
And having my hands on the peasant
Of dream and hope also prey
Never imagine another scenario,
Showering the floor with all the fullness,
As much as you want and no illusions
Expressed beyond imagination...


Announced spell on clear night
Lying on the sand at full moon
The dream that I truly serene
In boundless love that opens wide.
Diving into your networks, crazy tare
And as of this moment beckons me now,
In the most holy and profane, supernal scene
And time right now, also.
Bangs accompany your moans,
Pleasures certainly divided
Sweat and saliva, moon and salt
The immense clarity silvering
The world now and forever when
Draw this scenario sensual...


Without censorship

Inebriated night in so many lights
Marked by the most sublime moment
Where and how well I expressed
In joys and tenderness, you bring me

Elevating havens lead me
And as more and more yearning estimate.
The dream is not free and represses
Various spaces; my crosses.

Wandering without borders in tanning complexion
How much did you want to be now?
Without any limit, no more censorship

Life will allow for full
And the more desire to want more
Wrapped tenderly in such madness...



Your body already naked on my bed,
Lying quietly in my sheets
Bringing many suns in your eyes
In lucky that dominates while ignites,
The when the desire comes and cries,
And many times you build it
Various scenarios and headlights
Lighting the room in fury and flame
I walk thy ways coast to coast
And as much as you want and as much like
Expressed in explosion in thy dew,
And the more pleasure you give me,
Daring to imagine the most tenacious
You bring to me what I propitious to you...



Looking back it feels
The time when out and not left
Even the slightest mark on harvest
And it remains is how boastful,
Feeling really helpless
Just try it and opens wide
Touching with rare tenderness luck
Love that actually presents itself.
From the beginning I see the end,
And nothing we can know me
Otherwise the same face of one day,
Dress this emotion that actually
Transcends the reality as it may,
And the plot that I certainly wanted more...



The fight did not stop one second
And the verse translating this battle
That scatters much as now cut
And this generates scenario where I work,
The point where I can and deepen
No more wire cutter knife
The fight me another instant shredding
And see how much leg in vague world.
Just as the life I wanted
And it carrying the scar
Love it did in war and peace.
My soul prays in such a captive slave quarters,
Indeed, nothing in fact I speak,
And as much as I wanted crumbles...



I walk my longings and announce
The atrocious weather and more reticent,
My soul feels so much right now
The sordid expression is grim,
And when one realizes in defiance
The whole that indeed most frequent
My dream as most improvident
Invade pointless in madness.
But I know how much encourages rare in brightness,
The love that I actually go around
Knowing the narrow illusions
And when I felt calmer,
In the frames of torment sometimes strut
And live the most diverse emotions...



My path is done in joy
And may always be at that time
Living with the feeling tenderness
That life at this moment would shape
As much as I love and would not have
In another way a rude thought
Knowing how much I try so only
Mindful walking in poetry
Thrives within the soul the deepest
I wish I could and invades
The rare feeling that you bring me,
The world in your arms is perfect
And when the great love in you accept,
The eyes drink more daring dreams.


Orgasmic madness

The prostitute, the old, this boy
The sums of the voids among many
And when they had covered themselves with such robes
Rather than you thought folly
Experiencing so a diamond
Delirium between flares, more charms,
And the more mistakes leftovers
Louder this hell I hear a hymn.
The depths of dreams, there is nothing
Otherwise this sad scenario of
It has no shade but diverse
And I see between desires, naked muses
And the more wishes, the more you abuse,
Orgasmic moment, and immersed in it.



Only this life a libertine
That both surrendered without measure
And now when your life ends,
Truly looking for another destination?
In such a scenario as in me hallucinate
Missing an exit of the maze,
Because who does not doubt enters,
How the lens becomes cloudy.
Rather different direction where the meeting
And it every step the mismatch
Forging new day, same ages,
Do you not see how this superb emotion
And segues without thinking toward
Where in gentle stops, I see the beasts...



Satanic spirit dominates
Verse bolder that could
And so life made in dark complexion
Denying any mine forever,
Where is emanated rotten fate?
And as much as I could in agony
Saying that creates my ghost
As this fascinates both terrors,
Luck uncovered this plot
And the more I impart to hell
Finally realize that the happiness,
So to portray humanity
In paths of Satan I penetrate
My soul slowly degrades...



Power that seduces us, money and enjoyment,
Thus the most sublime of altars
And certainly when you touch it
You will see just how beautiful and majestic,
Even though now, this tattered
Devil in the various brothels
More subtle ways, you profane
After the storm the pleasurable
Scenario showing up in gold and females
Several souls being almost twins
And therein lays bare if this delusion,
Leaving behind the virulence
Of spurious and without income innocence
Killing what was left in you, martyrdom...



Playing in my skin such yearnings
Managing each step toward thistle,
And as you realize immense burden,
I recall your legs, thighs, breasts,
And leave behind old fears
What had been a poet, even a bard,
Life made a dart penetrating
Killing that thought in vain recreations.
Denying the embezzlement where inside,
And having this figure as the center
From every thought you have,
Living deranged, so vain
Power in Praise Satan cry
For more than a foolish soul refrains ...



Feeling really steamed
Where the freedom is fades,
Winning with fury the storm,
Enjoying this immense chagrin,
The price you pay for love,
As time everything will degrade,
Breaking any of modesty grid
I do not see the scene to compose,
Sparks ignite the hells
And rich suits them again,
And many promised wonders,
Lost in this life? Never again,
Auriferous masterful ways,
In hordes of Satan, no more fear...


The troubles of demon

Marked by cravings demon
I could no longer follow such a procession,
In candles and tears of so
Now within me such pandemonium,
To be an asset of this Satan,
No more harsh loneliness
Nor is this silence and hear me
The great aristocrat to vile peasant.
Serving the big daddy, the majestic,
Inheriting the whole earth after the end
Ghastly caricature a cherub,
Walking the streets, sticky,
You see after all the great Empire
Where the shamelessness dictates the criterion.


Putrid vision

Meeting in which both brings you shame
The most sublime enjoyment and so perfect
And when in darkness so I lie,
The wonderful order now predict,
Roads loftiest a flash
Elapses furious and I delight,
Now if I am accepted by Satan,
The world in glories plentiful, most too well,
Relief to my torments, my pains,
Thorns defeating rotten flowers
And this whole scenario decomposed,
The putrid vision, mere carrion
Power that emanates from greed finally
And Jehovah will finally depose!



Heir of this Kingdom demonic
Satan, in a sovereign joy and celebration,
So when thinking about baleful
Surely another face aphrodisiac
And with this truth to be manic
Where is any thought of crack
Enters the heart and thus lends
Hedonic portal, heavenly.
While ruling the Empire of sense
Taken by pangs of libido,
Eclectic sir, said the power,
And thus prove to be naked
Horrible serpent? Silly mistake
It is beautiful and tempting as sovereign.


Orgasmic madness

The prostitute, the old, this boy
The sums of the voids among many
And when they had covered themselves with such robes
Rather than you thought folly
Experiencing so a diamond
Delirium between flares, more charms,
And the more mistakes leftovers
Louder this hell I hear a hymn.
The depths of dreams, there is nothing
Otherwise this sad scenario of
It has no shade but diverse
And I see between desires, naked muses
And the more wishes, the more you abuse,
Orgasmic moment, and immersed in it.



Only this life a libertine
That both surrendered without measure
And now when your life ends,
Truly looking for another destination?
In such a scenario as in me hallucinate
Missing an exit of the maze,
Because who does not doubt enters,
How the lens becomes cloudy.
Rather different direction where the meeting
And it every step the mismatch
Forging new day, same ages,
Do you not see how this superb emotion
And segues without thinking toward
Where in gentle stops, I see the beasts...



Satanic spirit dominates
Verse bolder that could
And so life made in dark complexion
Denying any mine forever,
Where is emanated rotten fate?
And as much as I could in agony
Saying that creates my ghost
As this fascinates both terrors,
Luck uncovered this plot
And the more I impart to hell
Finally realize that the happiness,
So to portray humanity
In paths of Satan I penetrate
My soul slowly degrades...



Power that seduces us, money and enjoyment,
Thus the most sublime of altars
And certainly when you touch it
You will see just how beautiful and majestic,
Even though now, this tattered
Devil in the various brothels
More subtle ways, you profane
After the storm the pleasurable
Scenario showing up in gold and females
Several souls being almost twins
And therein lays bare if this delusion,
Leaving behind the virulence
Of spurious and without income innocence
Killing what was left in you, martyrdom...



Playing in my skin such yearnings
Managing each step toward thistle,
And as you realize immense burden,
I recall your legs, thighs, breasts,
And leave behind old fears
What had been a poet, even a bard,
Life made a dart penetrating
Killing that thought in vain recreations.
Denying the embezzlement where inside,
And having this figure as the center
From every thought you have,
Living deranged, so vain
Power in Praise Satan cry
For more than foolish soul refrains ...



Feeling really steamed
Where the freedom is fades,
Winning with fury the storm,
Enjoying this immense chagrin,
The price you pay for love,
As time everything will degrade,
Breaking any of modesty grid
I do not see the scene to compose,
Sparks ignite the hells
And rich suits them again,
And many promised wonders,
Lost in this life? Never again,
Auriferous masterful ways,
In hordes of Satan, no more fear...


The troubles of demon

Marked by cravings demon
I could no longer follow such a procession,
In candles and tears of so
Now within me such pandemonium,
To be an asset of this Satan,
No more harsh loneliness
Nor is this silence and hear me
The great aristocrat to vile peasant.
Serving the big daddy, the majestic,
Inheriting the whole earth after the end
Ghastly caricature a cherub,
Walking the streets, sticky,
You see after all the great Empire
Where the shamelessness dictates the criterion.


Putrid vision

Meeting in which both brings you shame
The most sublime enjoyment and so perfect
And when in darkness so I lie,
The wonderful order now predict,
Roads loftiest a flash
Elapses furious and I delight,
Now if I am accepted by Satan,
The world in glories plentiful, most too well,
Relief to my torments, my pains,
Thorns defeating rotten flowers
And this whole scenario decomposed,
The putrid vision, mere carrion
Power that emanates from greed finally
And Jehovah will finally depose!



Heir of this Kingdom demonic
Satan, in a sovereign joy and celebration,
So when thinking about baleful
Surely another face aphrodisiac
And with this truth to be manic
Where is any thought of crack
Enters the heart and thus lends
Hedonic portal, heavenly.
While ruling the Empire of sense
Taken by pangs of libido,
Eclectic sir, said the power,
And thus prove to be naked
Horrible serpent? Silly mistake
It is beautiful and tempting as sovereign.



In a triumph of divine glory made in
Lying within me old shroud
Luck often not battle
Knowing the truth always inglorious
And both could win
Who knows and nothing worth losing
Even the same court does not spread
The fury that is certainly melancholy.
Resist by not knowing the plot as
Life in painful and strong calls
In Blazing contumacious who is known
The death very closely and not silent,
A soul does not show well vassal
And even search in vain for any boon.



In anything that we had we
The rivers of nostalgia forgotten
Living how cans freedom
Leaving behind the bad days
I accept your affection and your loans
Now surely bring clarity.
Life in allowing happiness
He will come bringing as we wanted.
Seedlings with words my course
And him, transforming into new plumb
Allows you to drink all the juice
It overflows the well and I perfume
Aside from that desire and that usually
I bring, an emotion, its rare smoke ...


Fear of Love

I wish if you could deliver
The hours of this most beautiful life
Stealing the stars and the moonlight
Seeking youth already lost ...
I wish my poems if you wanted
Around this lamp nostalgia ...
Loves and delights my mottos,
Plotting true of so many dreams ...
I see no more promises in speeches
These hoaxes are false hopes.
Loving without thinking even in bags
What do these dreams where you reach
Paths farthest love this.
The fleeting aromas of a flower ...


the kiss

In the kiss we exchanged, thoughts ..
Wet, seductive, so angry,
Wish discovering violent
Explode in fiery warmth more ...
Awake calmly emotion
Contained that lurks in our mind,
After so long in solitude,
The kiss that dream pain, denies.
Burning our coal sheds calls
That invades the world of pleasure,
The bodies are being sought in this bed,
Wanted to scream and die ...
Dying your arms these divisions already
Check dreamed of paradise!


Our body

Our body ached in our bed
Our flame that burns in that fire,
The life goes not complain
Beloved I wish you love that burns
And rolls of pleasure without secrets
The hand that caresses, thou wilt.
The eyes you troll, meek​​,
For all your mouths, you kiss me ...
And gentle, if declines to my side,
Grinning from fatigue after.
Living in this most cherished dream,
The night we dream for us two ...
Senses fainted, I rest
After this our Nirvana, reach ...


Thy lips

Feeling your lips brushing against me
At the touch of love and desire,
Gradually thousand trips whispering
The language in delicate sweet kiss ...
Be bolder and you dream,
Slowly undress you calmly
So many crazy words, mumble,
In an explosion of colors, suddenly ...
Asking more than the night is over,
Dreaming that dream is already awake.
So much love that did not fit
But anyway, in my dream I propose,
And life is renewed each day,
This love living in fantasy ..


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